Dr. Henry Hirschel Doctor of Business Administration
Dr. Henry Hirschel Doctor of Business Administration
Innovative Companies
Company: FanAxcess
Industry: Music Industry
Founder and CEO: Joan Martin, Founder & CEO
URL: www.FanAxcess.com
Role: Advisor
Business Model: “FanAxcess.com is a platform where artists can create a free profile including their social network and fan base statistics. This patent-pending, Internet trading platform allows ad agencies, TV producers, film studios and music tour promoters to find exactly the singer/songwriter/band match for their product or service’s customer demographic needs.”
Company: Club One Island
Industry: Health and Fitness
CEO: Celeste DeVaneaux
Role: Advisor
Business Model: “An Islander is a person who wants to be successful and healthy, and have fun getting there! An islander wants to lose weight, become stronger, lower cholesterol or blood pressure, become more active, or learn about nutrition-based diseases. An islander has an adventurous streak, and wants more than traditional methods have been able to give. An Islander wants to understand why they’ve struggled so much in the past, and tackle their weight loss demons once and for all.”