

Company: PowerBar -- 1996 - 2000

Industry: Consumer product, package goods, energy food, Specialty Foods, Manufacturing, Wholesale, Supply Chain

Role: MIS Director

Business Model: PowerBar was the high growth leader in the new energy bar manufacturing and distribution product category. The company was on growth path with the goal of international growth and IPO. 

Business Challenge: Business system infrastructure was not able to support the strategic growth objective of IPO. Required solutions that tied sales, manufacturing, and customers together by developing the value chain that included vendors and channel partners. Systems on record were not able to scale and reach strategic objectives.

Results ________________________________________

Cultural Changes: Opened communication channels through workflow methodologies to support a collaborative work environment based on a roadmap authored by employees. The tool set tied together unified messaging, operational databases, reporting, and collaborative systems to all employees.

Process Improvement: Increase in on time deliver and connection with customers through collaborative work goals and applied EDI solutions. Web site visits were in excess of 20 minutes per visit due to content provided. ERP system was install on time and within budget reduced cost of corporate wide operations. Raw material handling system was upgraded to maximize the highly specialized production process and packaging system.

Technology Improvement:  Developed business system strategy, software selection, and technology architecture for ERP system. Supported US corporate headquarters and European office, two major distribution centers and manufacturing center. Managed process reengineering prior to ERP system implementations. System increased reporting, inventory, supply chain management, and MRP lowering inventory costs and increase supply chain responsiveness.

Web property management with stickiness of visits averaging 20 minutes.

HRIS system to manage resume and improve job applicant tracking.

EDI systems connected order management, warehouse, distribution systems to large box retailers.

Raw material handling systems that stored, measured and moved dry ingredients to product mixing stations.

Documented business processes and software vendor selection that most closely aligned with the "to-be" process. Developed training manuals and training programs in addition to end user support.

Scope of Solutions __________